Rebuilding the brand from its foundation
/ Initial Development
Brand values
To begin the project, the project team first proceeded to exploring and redefining SHIRAISHI's brand values. This step is vital to the project as it defines the brand design principle and helps to define SHIRAISHI's new positioning after the rebranding. Through discovery sessions and research into the business, we agreed on the new image of SHIRAISHI as a fine jewelry provider that aims to support customers' confidence, beauty, and happiness by providing sophisticated, well-crafted, and unique products for customers and business partners.
Brand architecture
Aiming to expand into foreign markets such as the European and American markets, SHIRAISHI also needed an overhaul of the brand architecture. The project team engaged in meetings and discussion sessions with stakeholders, through which we came to an agreement that instead of the business's product lines, SHIRAISHI will use the location where its (future) stores locate as the sub-brands. This decision shows SHIRAISHI's vision and dedication to becoming a jewelry provider that supports customers from around the globe.